Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9 Wesites I Like and Why

Everyone knows that everything now a days has to do with electronics, and websites, but which websites are good and which are not? Theese are the 9 I like the most, and rate the best!Starting with #1 as my favorite, to #9. I LOVE theese all, in a differnt way, but some more then others.  Number ONE: Youtube.com , Youtube is my favorite website and  of alot of other people's aswell. You can type in  anything and someone is bound to have made a video about it! Any questions?yeah, you can always type it into a search engine, or  Youtube and see a video about it! Number TWO: Facebook.com, Facebook is my favorite social networking sight! its plain, easy to use, free, and its simple to find friends.  Number THREE: Twitter.com, On Twitter it is so easy to find your favorite celebrities and follow them  and I really like using it!              Number FOUR: Google.com, not only is Google the best search engine in my opinion,I know of many others who prefer it over other search engines. Its simple, and easy to use, and has so many extra gadgets like translate, maps, images, web, you, and SO many others! Number FIVE: Aol.com, Aol.com is an Emailing sight, you could use Hotmail, Yahoo, G-Mail or others, but I just realy like AOL, its just easy to use, and it also has AOL radio, News when you sign on, and is just very easy to use. Number SIX: Blogspot.com , Blogspot.com is the website that I use to post theese blogs. Its really easy to create a blog page, and sign up, and design it, and so easy to post, aswell as easy to navigate, just your URL .blogspot.com ! Number SEVEN: elleandblair.com  If you check out my other blog from earlier today you will see a post about Elle and Blair Fowler, they have a great blog sight and its so much fun to look at!  Number EIGHT: Hulu.com , On Hulu you can look at video clips and episodes of shows! I usually go on Hulu to watch segments from SNL ( Saturday Night Live) that i've missed. Its great, and their videos are histerical! And last but not  least Number NINE: Oriental Trading.com , if you dont know what oriental trading is, its a website where you buy brand-new things, mostly party favors , maybe for good-bags, or just things to put out at a party,  decorations, and little toys! Its very inexpensive and fun to shop on! Theese are probably the websites I got on the most! How about you? What are your favorite websites? Leave a comment!

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